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Facts About A Jackal!!

Jackals are the distant cousins of dogs, and they are kinda cute! here are some facts!:


Wikipedia Jackal
  1. the word 'jackal' derives from the french word Chacal, which derived from the persian word شغال (shoghāl), which quite funnily derives from the sanskrit word शृगाल (śṛgāla); meaning "the howler"

  2. The Jackal comes from the 'canidae' (Cah-nih-dee) family!

  3. jackals can run as fast as 9.9mph (6km/h)!

  4. thos is named after the classical greek word θώς (jackal)

  5. Jackals can reach 15 to 35 pounds in weight an 15 to 20 inches in height at shoulder.

sources: Wikipedia: Jackals
Softschools: Facts about jackals

thanks on Adam for helping with this :D